January 04, 2005

Theme Week: Progressive - Pink Floyd

Pink Floyd - Atom Heart Mother
[BBC Studios July 16, 1970]

My Christmas Pink Floyd story: We had a holiday party here at the house and one of the guests was looking through our DVD's and commented that he was a big Pink Floyd fan but not familiar with the DVD "Live At Pompeii". But I said, sure, you know the film, slow camera pans in the Pompeii Amphitheater? Careful With That Axe Eugene? You know, with Roger Waters noodling away at an early version of On The Run? No, he says.. "Never heard of it, but I'm a huge fan you know... I was there at the early beginning, you know, when they released Dark Side". All I could do was nod and say yeah, great album. I mentioned this to my wife and asked, does it matter? Does it matter that I knew more about Pink Floyd than our guest or that I may have a better understanding of their place on the Rock History Family Tree? I never really get to use this information - maybe here on the blog, but not everyday. Who cares if I know about Syd's schizophrenic descent or that I once read Shine On? Does any of that matter? Does it make me a better dad, friend or husband? It didn't make me a better host. What's the use of being interested enough to learn and read about music when it practically never comes in handy - or when you do decide to bring it up you come off as a nerd or aloof or worse, as obnoxious. Does sharing my music here with the world matter? I mean, in the big picture?

Check out the Pink Floyd ROIO website.


At 5:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Regarding the age of the earth or the universe it doesn´t matter. We make preferences consecutively deducted from our values and goals.

Our aims and interests depend on those belief systems.

nobody us better by better knowledge or a slim figure, social status or whatever criteria some people beloeve their worth depends on. rate the act, not the actor.

but - by the way - i enjoy your blog very much. if you haven´t the dvd of pompeii, you may listen to > http://chile.superletras.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=7408

herr k. "totally fuzzy"

At 8:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

what's weird is that i check out your site daily; vainly, as a means to validate that i am not the only one like me. the only one like me who takes/views/reviews/knows music, all music, as Good. ultimately, "the use of being interested enough to learn and read about music when it practically never comes in handy" is so you can continue to do Good. the music is what is. azem.

by the by, "totally fuzzy", dig your posts.

At 11:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jason: You did the right thing. There really was no sense in breaking your guests bubble. If he's as big a fan of Pink Floyd as he says he is, he'll find out all by himself.

At 2:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, of course it matters, that you love music, that you share that, that thus we share that. I, too, look in on your blog often to learn a bit, to go in directions I might not otherwise go, to re-tread once again the same paths but in the company of others. Such behavior not only helps to keep many of us sane but also makes for long shopping lists at the record store. Does this make for a better world? I won't debate that, but I will say thanks.

At 10:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

To paraphrase Ferris Bueller
'It takes people like you to put up with people like your friend'.

Enjoy your site, keep up the great work.

At 10:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahaha .When you know a lot about Pink Floyd you should keep quiet about it because they are shite and your taste is juvenile. Open your ears-find some good music.Start with Howlin Wolf and Elmore James.

At 1:45 PM, Blogger Jason said...

I can't say enough how nice it was to wake up and see these comments. It's good to know all is not for naught and there are folks reading who, well, think a little bit like I do regarding music and it's importance. Music appreciation doesn't stop tsunamis or fed the hungry, but neither should it be relegated to a pedestrian consumable - despite the commercialization of popular music from folks like Clear Channel. Good music to the ears is what good friends are to the heart and art is to the eyes and creative spirit, etc. I guess I was just frustrated - why educate yourself when the opportunities to share are few and far between. I didn't correct my friend and the person who said he'll eventually find out for himself if he's a fan is right. Who am I to preach. I guess I'd rather share. Glad to know I'm not coming off as a shmuck in these posts. Cheers and thanks!

At 5:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes it does matter (or I have wasted my whole life)


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